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Group of 10


15 Volunteers

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Eric Bautista

Eric is from the Philippines.  When he was 14 years old, he started serving God in…

Eric is from the Philippines.  When he was 14 years old, he started serving God in music ministry and eventually as a Youth leader.

When he was 24 years old, he received God’s call to be a missionary in every tribal groups. In 2015, he joined the missions conference in Thailand, which is Asian Youth Ablaze and from that time on he was empowered to go to the nations to proclaim the Gospel.

Currently, he is doing his training and preparing to go to the restricted nations. His heart is to proclaim the Good News in different ethnic and tribal groups. Fulfilling the Great Commission through spreading the Gospel, discipleship, church planting, trainings and livelihood programs and sustainable programs.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Xia Lee

Ely is part of the Hmong ethnic group in Laos. He grew up in a Christian…

Ely is part of the Hmong ethnic group in Laos. He grew up in a Christian family. When he was 18 years old, he started serving God by serving the kids and the youth group.

When he was 21, he received God’s calling to be a part of a missions training. During the first year of training, he had many experiences with God, and got to know the purpose God has for him, which is to preach the gospel in persecuted nations, to plant and bring revival to churches.

Currently, he is serving God full-time and is getting ready to graduate from the training and to go to a restricted nations.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Leng Lee

Leng Lee grew up in a Christian family. He is one of 6 brothers and sisters.…

Leng Lee grew up in a Christian family. He is one of 6 brothers and sisters. When he was growing up, he knew God had a purpose for him. At age 16, he got to know the Lord. And at the age of 19, he started teaching the Bible to the kids of his church. 

He even encountered God while he was in the forest one day. He heard the voice of God calling him, but he didn’t know where he should go.  Two weeks later, his pastor was used by God to invite him to be a part of a missions training. So he decided to accept that invitation.

At present, he is serving God full-time. He has a heart to help the poor and to reach the lost. He is getting ready to graduate from the training and to go to the restricted nations.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly