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Danna Maye Enierga

Danna Maye Enierga started to have a heart for missions since she was 12. Her heart…

Danna Maye Enierga started to have a heart for missions since she was 12. Her heart to “Go” has ignited that she didn’t settle where she was, but pursued the call wherever God placed her. She was a small young girl that has a heart that cries for the lost. A young girl that wore sandwich board, holds a sign or warning for people to repent; and shouts at the streets of Antipolo and Marikina City during evangelism, or sits beside strangers just to share the Gospel. She’s done missions and trainings in the Philippines for the past 8 years. Now, a full-time missionary for 6 years in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Her vision is to see the unreached people group live their lives transformed, restored and free through the Gospel of Christ; and see them walk on the calling God has destined them to be. Her heart is to bring restoration, healing and freedom to the unreached people group through discipleship and trainings. And especially, to serve the poor, broken and forgotten. She’s the Worship Director of CTW Thailand Worship Ministry. She’s also an English Program Director at Huai Sak Community Outreach. Moreover, she’s a part of Global Mission Trek that assists or helps the international teams for short-term mission exposures. Her heart is to see the lives change, cities and nations be transformed by the power of the Gospel!



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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Conrado and Helen Directo

Conrad and Helen have been tent-maker missionaries of Unshakable Zion International Christian Church since 2013. Conrad…

Conrad and Helen have been tent-maker missionaries of Unshakable Zion International Christian Church since 2013. Conrad and Helen are ordained ministers of Unshakable Zion International Christian Church. Through prison ministry, evangelistic crusades, campus ministry, house-to-house evangelism, cell groups, mentoring, discipleship and feeding programs led over 10,000 people to Christ.

They pioneered three churches in Thailand. One Thai Church and Two International Churches located in Sukhothai Province and Phitsanulok Province of Thailand.

Conrad and his family are currently based in Phitsanulok province of Thailand. He and his wife Helen serve as the lead pastors of Unshakable Zion International Christian Church Thailand. They serve in the mission field together with their children, Thailada (eldest) and Thairuedee (youngest). Their primary focus is to reach the unreached by bringing the gospel to the Thai people in their respective communities, thus transforming their communities into outreach centers. As of now, there is only 1.6% Christians from the whole 80 million Thais in living in Thailand.

Our mission is to establish the church in Thailand by reaching, planting, training and serving.

We are committed to fulfilling a four-fold mission. Its primary reason for being is to Evangelize to the lost, Worship God, Disciple believers and Show compassion. Our vision is to see a movement of indigenous, biblical Thai and International churches reproducing among their own people in Thailand and reaching out in mission to other peoples


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Sherwin & Chelsea Mago

Chelsea and Sherwin Mago are both Filipino Missionaries and they met in Chiang Rai, Thailand. They…

Chelsea and Sherwin Mago are both Filipino Missionaries and they met in Chiang Rai, Thailand. They got married last October 7, 2020. Sherwin came from a Local Church in the Philippines under Bishop Edwin and Yolanda Villagomez. He served in his local church for 4 years being involved in Bible Studies, Campus and Street Children Ministry, Radio Program, Gideon’s International and part of Calvary Bible Institute Staff.

On the other hand, Chelsea is from Manila. Her pastors are Jim and Chat Ibale of Shepherd to the Nations Outreach. She was part of the Children’s, Youth and Dance ministries and was able to pioneer a Campus Outreach.

They both graduated at Calvary Bible School Philippines and finished their mission training at Asian Institute for Missions and now serving as a full-time missionary reaching out Tha Sai municipality here in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Their vision is to fulfill the great commission by reaching out tribal and local people groups in Asia and beyond. To train and equip them to be part of the Great Commission. To build bridges through Livelihood Projects, Feeding Program, Literacy Program and other methods that will connect the people to God through a holistic approach that will lead to evangelism, discipleship and church planting.


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly