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Group of 10


15 Volunteers

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Latest Causes

Water For All Children

GOAL : 320000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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Clean Water For All

GOAL : 190000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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New School Teachers

GOAL : 420000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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New Kindergarten

GOAL : 150000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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Michael & Ahxiang Biggs

"Michael and Ahxiang Biggs have been serving the Lord together since married in 2022. Their heart…

“Michael and Ahxiang Biggs have been serving the Lord together since married in 2022. Their heart and goal is to see entire nations in Southeast Asia turn to the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ through revival, crusades and church planting. They are intent to bring salvation to thousands through evangelistic efforts in all of Thailand and beyond. Currently, they are serving in an outreach in Chiang Rai, Thailand where they are working with a team to evangelize, disciple and plant a church.”

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Donation Total: $25.00 Monthly

Kanya Wheeler

Vision To impact the lives of women that have survived human trafficking showing them the path…

To impact the lives of women that have survived human trafficking showing them the path to Christ’s freedom.

To empower women survivors of human trafficking, bringing freedom, restoration, through a process of holistic healing in Christ.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Paulo Taveira

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Donation Total: $25.00 Monthly