AMO Cafe



Our Heart:

Vision: “To see a community with sustainable livelihood programs in the Indochina Region and the rest of Asia.”


Mission: “ To provide scholarships, business and livelihood opportunities to young people to prevent them from being victimized by their situations and pave a way for them to be intentionally trained and discipled to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their community and beyond. “

Our Story:

AMO Cafe was established March of 2017 through the life of one of our missionary, Mae Melendrez. Our principle in life and ministry has always been to start with what we have and let God do what He can only do. The heart of AMO Cafe is to bring livelihood in our mission bases in Asia. Through this, our goal is to empower individuals to be who they are called to be and do what God has called them to be.

AMO Cafe is a safe place for young people to gather together, have great conversation over coffee and opportunity to know and experience who Jesus is through the lives of our volunteers.

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