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Aline Oliveira

VISION: To reconcile people who are broken to have a relationship with God. MISSION: To provide…

VISION: To reconcile people who are broken to have a relationship with God.

MISSION: To provide a place to reconcile the broken by planting the joy and love of Christ through discipleship.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Asa Atkinson III

Asa B. Atkinson III, “Buddy,” has been serving on the AMO Foundation board of directors based…

Asa B. Atkinson III, “Buddy,” has been serving on the AMO Foundation board of directors based in Keller, Texas since 2018. He, along with His wife Hazel and their three daughters, lived in Africa as missionaries from 2003-2005. They currently live in Fort Worth, where Asa works in the marketplace as a real estate agent.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly


VISION To raise up the next generation of men and women that will proclaim the Gospel…


To raise up the next generation of men and women that will proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the whole world as a testimony to all restricted nations, lost tribes and unknown tongues.


To provide a home for children that has been neglected, abandoned and/or abused where they will experience the selfless love of God through a holistic approach that will transform them to become mighty men and women of God. 


Child abandonment is an everyday reality in Thailand. A study from UNICEF showed that in 2022, almost 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 (25%) don’t live with their parents; and this number grows even bigger if we look for the percentage of kids that live with only one of their biological parents. There was a time in an outreach gathering with around 20 young people, that our team asked who among them had parents who were separated, and shockingly all of them raised up their hands. The high rates of divorce and internal migration causes millions of Thai children to grow up without the care of their parents. The abandonment that these kids experience from a very young age leaves marks and wounds that directly affect their emotional stability. Without even mentioning that the lack of resources sometimes forces them to join gangs and start to sell drugs and other illegal products, and many of the girls become part of the statistics of human trafficking. 

Bruno Nascimento says that “What goes on at home shapes a young child’s future”. Studies in Finland proved that if a child receives constantly negativity such as parental neglect or indifference, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, this can have drastic bad consequences in their development, and for some of them, the damage may be irreparable. If only these children had a stable loving home to grow up in, if they only received the caring that they need to develop emotional, spiritual, physical stability, if they were provided a place where they could feel safe and protected, their future would look a lot different. 


The House of Adullam is a place where kids who were abandoned, abused and neglected can be embraced, loved and restored. It is a place where they will receive attention and care in a holistic way, where they will be discipled, trained and equipped to transform other people’s lives as well through the love of Jesus. 


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

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