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$ 15,00



$ 53,00

Per Mounth

Nomer & Roseleth Castro



VISION – To see a church planted fulfilling the Great Commission to unreached people group in Asia and the rest of the world. MISSION To evangelize and disciple unreached people group through holistic community programs. Raising up local leaders and equipping them to plant churches and train missionaries among them. Nomer & Tet have been serving with Asian Mission Outreach Foundation based in Chiang Rai, Thailand since 2016. Nomer is a Masteral Graduate of Intercultural Studies and Bachelor in Political Science, while Tet is a Licensed Medical Technologist and a Certified Drug Analyst. They both finished the Internship and Apprenticeship Missionary Training Program of Asian Institute for Mission and Calvary Bible School in Thailand.

They pioneered and are leading the Doi Hang Community Outreach in Chiang Rai. Their vision is to see a church planted in Doi Hang Municipality. They are part of the leadership team of Asian Institute for Mission, AMO Mission Base, CTW Prayer Ministry and Calvary Bible School.

Nomer and Tet are currently based in Chiang Rai Thailand for 6 years now and counting. Their heart is to truly fulfill the Great Commission and to train locals to do the same. They are a part of the vision of 2,800 missionaries to be trained and 50 Nations to go and make disciples. The Castro’s are here to serve GOD in Thailand and beyond.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

David & Lari Acuña

David and Larissa met in Thailand in 2020, and got married in Brazil in 2023. David…

David and Larissa met in Thailand in 2020, and got married in Brazil in 2023. David moved to Thailand with his family in 2006, and since then he has been involved with missions. With his family he was part of prison ministry, crusades, campus ministry, outreach, mission trips, bible schools, and in 2018 he enrolled the mission training of AMO, following the steps of his parents and becoming a full time missionary. While Larissa served her local church in Brazil from young age, and after a short-term mission trip in Asia in 2020, she decided to answer the call of God and become a full time missionary starting in 2021.

Their Vision is to reach the unreached people, restricted nations and uncontacted tribes by expressing the selfless love of God to all people through a holistic movement and to equip, empower and send them to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Currently their ministry is focused on pioneering the very first church in one of the unreached villages in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Together, they are also the founders of The House of Adullam, a children’s home project that envisions to become a place where kids who were abandoned, abused and neglected can be embraced, loved, restored and sent to the nations.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Jeff & Faith Villagomez

Jeff & Faith met in the mission field of Thailand back in 2012. Throughout 7 years…

Jeff & Faith met in the mission field of Thailand back in 2012. Throughout 7 years of friendship and doing missions together, they finally got married in 2019 and now has 1 daughter named Asia. They have been serving along with their missionary parents for more than 15 years. Previously, Jeff served as a Youth Pastor in the Philippines focused on evangelism & discipleship through pioneering campus ministries and a Prison Ministry. Faith has been assisting her parents in mobilizing the Body of Christ for world missions.

Currently, their ministry focus is to mobilize churches in fulfilling the great commission by equipping new missionaries. Together they are igniting the hearts for missions through Ablaze Conference, provide a platform for short-term mission trips through Global Mission Trek, and train missionaries through Asian Institute For Missions and Restricted Access Countries Equipping (RACE).

By God’s grace, they have graduated 29 new missionaries who are now full-time in serving the Lord in the countries of Thailand, Nepal, Philippines, USA, Brazil, Honduras & India. Many of these graduates are now multiplying disciples and evangelizing communities with the least chance of being reached.


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Ariel & Paz Acuña

The Founder of Asian Mission Outreach Foundation, Bishop Ariel and Pastor Maria Paz Acuña are in…

The Founder of Asian Mission Outreach Foundation, Bishop Ariel and Pastor Maria Paz Acuña are in the full-time ministry for the past 28 years and their two children, Faith & David are serving along with them.

In the year 2000, after planting churches in Bulacan, Philippines and Iwahig Prison & Penal Farm in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines. Also, they started several mobile Bible Schools that trains pastors and leaders.

They have taught in Bible schools, led evangelistic crusades and conducted leadership conferences throughout Southeast Asia. May 31, 2006, the Acuña family took a big step of faith and followed the call of God to move in Thailand and serve as full-time missionaries.

Their first ministries in Thailand were pioneering mobile Bible school and children ministry. The Scripture teaches us not to despise the small beginnings. It was in those early years that God is testing the commitment of the whole family to the vision God had laid upon their hearts. Then, God began to open doors across the whole nation of Thailand and its neighboring countries. In the year of 2012, God told them its time to move to the northern part of Thailand, which is Chiang Rai Province. As they faithfully serve the Lord, the vision of AMO Foundation become a reality. It was registered as a legal entity in Thailand on March 7, 2013.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

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