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Group of 10


15 Volunteers

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Camille Balabo

Camille is one of the primary leaders of Christ to the World- Abulalas and have been…

Camille is one of the primary leaders of Christ to the World- Abulalas and have been serving there for over 9 years before she went to the Mission Field.

Her ministry in the Philippines is focused on evangelism and discipleship and have raised up leaders that will replace her in her home church before she left the Philippines. She experience walking far just so she can have her bible study with one person in one area.

Camille is also actively doing campus ministry back in the Philippines prior to her launching as a missionary, she also graduated Calvary Bible School in Bulacan where she experience sharing the gospel in a jeepney, bus, hospital and parks.

She is currently staying in Thailand for a little over 4 years now and is serving in Tha sut Outreach. Her primary focus is to evangelize and disciple people that will become a leader of leaders.

Vision: To see a generation that is responding to the calling of God to go and make disciples of all nation, and to see them discipling the generation after them.

Mission: To mobilize and train the body of Christ that will produce disciples and missionaries that will run the vision with us and after us.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Lyn Dionson

Lyn have been serving under Asian Mission Outreach Foundation since 2018. She is from Iloilo City…

Lyn have been serving under Asian Mission Outreach Foundation since 2018. She is from Iloilo City and has worked with Camp Sonshine Philippines for 7 years before committing herself to global missions. Lyn was a core leader of their small church in Iloilo. She’s been part of the music ministry, youth ministry and children’s ministry where more than a hundred of children is being ministered every Sunday from the dump sites and relocation areas.

Back in 2018, Lyn and her teammates pioneered an outreach in southeast part of Chiang Rai, Thailand where the locals are being discipled and trained. Currently she is serving with a new outreach team in eastern part of the city. She is leading the AMO Dream Center sustainability department, logistics in short-term missions (Global Mission Trek), and an instrumentalist in CTW Church, Thailand.


Her heart is to disciple the youth and women. To see them empowered by the Word of God and walk in their identity in Christ Jesus.


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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly

Joy Clarito

Joy received the Lord in 2013 and the same year she lived and worked with American…

Joy received the Lord in 2013 and the same year she lived and worked with American missionaries in the Philippines. Joy never thought that she would be one of them, until she went to her first mission trip in 2015 and got her heart awakened for the nations.

Before saying yes to commit as a full time missionary, Joy served at The City Iloilo church, now called Generations Church which is also her sending church. She served in different ministries like ushering ministry, GUSH kids church, worship ministry and the intercessory ministry. She also volunteered at Jesus is Light and Hope Community Church’s Kids Club, they minister to about a hundred kids every Sunday afternoon. Joy is the first missionary that Generations church has been sent.

Joy is currently based in Chiang Rai serving as a full time missionary under Asian Mission Outreach Foundation since the year of 2016. She has been part of different ministries and currently she is part of Mae Khao Tom Outreach. This ministry’s aim is to evangelize, disciple and establish a lighthouse in every villages of this municipality. She is also the Assistant Director of the short term missions team of AMO called Global Mission Trek. It is where they lead teams from around the world to see what God has been doing in Asia and to catch the heart of God for the lost. This same short term missions is where Joy had the opportunity to see God’s heart and God’s plans and purposes for her life and for the lives of the people who has not heard the name of Jesus.


To see every generation rooted in the Word of God, serving the community, reaching the unreached.


To build them up as imitators of Christ through discipleship and development of their spiritual growth, as they testify about Christ to all the nations.

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Donation Total: $100.00 Monthly